Tuesday, August 30, 2011

College Life

I'm in college now, and I love it. I love living where my classes are, and around so many people. My roommate, who I was randomly matched to, is great.

I've wanted to check out a couple of campus ministries, but so far CCF is the only one I've attended. I like it alot. The people are really nice, and I've had fun. Steven's talks are good. He does topical messages, like light and salt, and connects them well to other biblical events. But I want something deeper as well. I would like to find a smallgroup, or have someone disciple me. CCF is good, but it isn't a replacement for a more personal bible study. We'll see what happens as I look for one.
I attended my first church up here, called CrossPointe. The preacher was engaging, but also funny. He was talking about the Sabbath, so they decided that every seventh minute during service, service came to a pause. The music stopped, the lights came up, and we were supposed to rest for the seventh out of every seven minutes. It was very interesting. I put my head down during the minute, because I was tired. College students keep very irregular sleep schedules.

So the first two weeks here, I'm doing great. I hope to do well in class, and make lots of friends. I'm missing my family a lot, but that's growing up right?

Lastly, is Examen. I've been using Examen.me as a bible-study tool. They have a lot of reading plans, and I chose a topical one called '7 Days on Facing Fear'. This week, the scripture has really spoken to me. First was Psalm 34 telling me that God answers fears. That those who look to Him are radiant, and never ashamed again. I felt very at peace, and that God was in control. Tonight, I read Isaiah 43, where God tells us not to fear. He says that He created us, and he loves us and saved us. The words that struck me the most were "you are mine." It felt almost like a boyfriend saying it. Just the thrill of someone you love so much claiming you. 'You are mine. I love you and will take care of you. You don't belong to this filthy world, but to a loving father'. I've heard that before, and sung about how we were His children. But it really resonates with me now. This is part of why I feel spiritually hungry for more bible study or discipleship. I think I'm ready to absorb more of God's word and love. I want Him to have more of my life, all of it, because He is my life and my creator.

Just some thoughts I wanted to write down because they're very important. But on a less serious note, here's a great picture of me from this past week.

This is from a recent campus-wide game of Humans v Zombies. It was so much fun!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Jesus Loves Greenville Event

We had our jlg event tonight, which was awesome. Chris and Claude got a bunch of us teens together, and we talked about taking Greenville by storm.
So for the past two months or so, I've been tired. All the time. To get through school, I anticipate going home and falling asleep. Church, same. Anywhere else, same I just wanted to go home and lay down in my bed. My tank was empty. Tonight, driving home, my head was filled with ideas and initiatives, some that will never come to fruition. But I love it. I love having something to work for, something driving me and challenging me onward. I am in love with God and the passion that He fills me with to do His work on earth. So, I won't make any great promises and say that I'm going to baptize all of Rose High, but I do know that with a true desire to follow God's heart, there isn't anything I can't do for Him.
The bible is my foundation, God is my salvation. I thank Him for that. I also thank Him for all the amazing people He's put in my life. Thank you guys for being inspirational and great friends.

Hosanna to God in the highest, and peace to His people on Earth.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


The other night, it hit me how incredibly blessed I am. I thought about all the opportunities and gifts I had been given, and how I had earned none of these.
I'm definitely a sinner. Every day. A bad word here, some malice there, lots of ignorance sprinkled in everywhere.
But I'm so incredibly blessed. I have a family, friends, an awesome church, and so much more.
So the next day, I set a goal not to complain. And to remind myself, I wrote on my hand, Blessed. As in, I don't know how good I have it, so I better not be complaining about annoying freshmen or watery sweet tea. That took a lot of the conversations from my day. When I remembered, that is. My hand helped.
So, while on the thread of being blessed, I thought about God's grace. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, Therefore anyone who is in Christ is a new creation. The old has gone, the new has come!

This means, that even though I used my moms card without asking, or prejudged someone based on looks, or made a racist joke, or any of the disgusting things I happen to find myself doing, too often, God makes me a new creation.
Me. Katherine Ann Waivers.
This blows my mind. And reaches deep into my heart. God loves me so much. But not just me. He showers His grace on everyone, all of us sinners.
This makes my heat soar.
I wrote new creation on the inside of my wrist the same day I wrote Blessed. When I saw the back of my hand and kicked myself for complaining, I would turn it over and smile. I fall, but God's grace picks me up. His love supports me.
I want to pledge to make the best of the new creation God made me. I feel like I can't do that yet, like I'm waiting for something, but really, what is it?

1 Peter 2:9 - But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.

God, let every part of that verse resonate within me. I am your chosen people, your royal priesthood, your holy nation, your special possession. I pray that I will have the willpower to go forth and declare your message of love to everyone. I'm so happy; I need to share it. Thank you for all that I am and all that I have. Amen.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Considering the Ravens

I really wanna go to MACU. Mid-Atlantic Christian University. A small school with a great foundation in God. My mom is so very not okay with that. She doesn't want to work hard every day just to pay for 'a waste of time and money'. Today I asked for a hundred dollar deposit for my enrollment and she flipped. My mom hates the idea of me going to MACU.
I'm scared as to what this means for my future. Will I get enough scholarship money? Will I be in debt from student loans for the rest of my life? Why does this have to be a big game with her?
She'll pay for ECU, UNC, NC State, but not MACU.

The Bible tells us to consider the ravens, and how they're taken care of without them worrying. How none of us can add a day to our life by worrying.

I know God is in control, but I feel like I'm being swept around by powers that are chaotic and carrying me away.
So, I guess, for the next couple months, I'll be figuring out my college plans, and spending a lot of time considering the ravens.